Chevrolet Commercials: Chevrolet for 1955

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Chevrolet Commercials: Chevrolet for 1955

Chevrolet for 1955
Meet Smokey Joe
USA (circa 1955)

Meet Smokey Joe folks, he sends up smoke signals when he drives. This makes his wife fuming mad.

Here's her solution, Chevrolet has a much better one. Chevrolet's new high level ventilating system captures fresh air here, above the hood, and delivers it here for maximum comfort.

Ah, our friends are now driving a Motoramic Chevrolet. Is everybody happy? Good! Even in the driving rain you always have fresher air inside the new Chevrolet.

Uh oh, at it again. He want's less air, she want's more. Hold On! There's an air control knob for each of you on the instrument panel. Ah, love is grand, in a well ventilated "Motoramic Chevrolet".

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