Golden Fleece

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Golden Fleece

H.C.Sleigh marketed motor spirit under the Golden Fleece name from 1913, when he took possesion of the first consignment of Californian motor spirit imported into Australia. Initially sold in 4 gallon drums, the very first Golden Fleece pump was installed in 1920. Sleigh pioneered the concept of single brand outlets in times when the norm saw multi-brand service stations throughout Australia. In 1947 H.C.Sleigh Ltd became a public company - then in 1981 Caltex aquired ownership.
Three wonderful radio ads from the 1960's, starting with "Golden Service from Golden Fleece", then "Fill Her Up with Golden", and finally the "Golden Fleece Golden Song Awards".

With Shell marketing their new "Platformate" petrol, Golden Fleece decided to promote their own version, "Activate". Just exactly what makes up the Activate ingredient remains to us a mystery, but the radio commercials make for good listening - all 8 different versions!

We Love Stanley! Here are 11 versions of the Stop for a Stanley and We Love Stanley commercials from the late 1960's we are sure will bring back memories. For those that need a memory jog, Stanley was the retiring Golden Fleece driveway attendant that seemed to keep finding himself surrounded by young ladies in mini skirts, carrying placards claiming "We Love Stanley" - Stanley was one lucky guy.

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