Ford Commercials: Ford comes First

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Ford Commercials: Ford comes First

Ford comes First
North Carolina Highway Patrol:
USA (circa 1957)

One of the country's largest and most modern law enforcement organisations is the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. Nearly 600 men patrol over 70 thousand miles of highway.

When an accident report comes in these Highway Patrolmen move out in a hurry. The North Carolina Highway Patrol is prepared to go anywhere, anytime to protect users of North Carolina's fine highways - and they get there!

Now meet Colonel James R. Smith, Patrol Commander. Our job is to enforce North Carolina's traffic laws. It's a big job, that's why our cars have to give top performance in every kind of driving situation - and at the same time give our men maximum protection.

And here in Houston Texas Ford goes first too, just as it goes first with Police agencies all over the country. Over 70% of all the cars operated by the nations State Police today are Ford's - and no wonder! Nobody out-performs Ford.

Here at the Indianappolis speedway a '56 Ford V8 recently set a new 500 mile record averaging over 107 miles per hour. At Daytona Beach, Florida, Ford won the top award for the best all-round performance. And at Kingston Arizona a Ford V8 set thirty world speed records. In performance, Ford goes first, test drive a new Ford and prove it for yourself.

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