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Search results for: ford 100e in category "Media"

No results found containing all search terms. 96 results found containing some search terms.

10 pages of results.

Ford Commercials: The 1957 Ford (part 2), The 1957 Ford Lineup
... Ford Commercials: The 1957 Ford (part 2) The 1957 Ford (part 2) The 1957 Ford Lineup: (circa 1957) Ahoy Mate! Having Fun? You bet she is. She's proud of her boat, and proud of her 1957 Ford. You can tell she appreciates beautiful design, the graceful symmetry of this most elegant Ford ever- set's a new standard of automotive styling. Out West, when boy meets girl, boy gets girl. It's all part of the fun at a Dude ranch. And if you go for the outdoor life, you'll go for the 1957 Ford Sunliner. Its new long low sillhouette and smartly styled vinyl interiors make the Sunliner the most thrilling version yet of America's favourite convertible. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 486  -  25k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: Ford - And Only Ford, Offers So Much for So Little
... Ford Commercials: Ford- And Only Ford Ford- And Only Ford Offers So Much for So Little: (circa 1956) Ford- and only Ford offers you so much for so little. For example, only Ford offers you 21 models to choose from, including this Ford Skyliner, the world's only hide-away hard-top. Only Ford in its field has double sealed brakes to keep water and dirt out of the brake system. Only Ford in its field has a hood that's hinged at the front- makes it almost impossible to fly open while your driving. Only Ford in its field offers a truly modern short-stroke six for best all-round performance. And only Ford offers Thunderbird V8 power and a choice of five great V8 engines ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 461  -  23k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: 1958 Ford Release, What Makes a New Car New
... Ford Commercials: 1958 Ford Release 1958 Ford Release What Makes a New Car New (circa 1958) Good evening, I'm Hugh Downs. The occasion here tonight is the introduction of the 1958 Ford's. I'm glad you could join us because were about to show you just what exactly makes a new car new- and I mean really new, in all the things that count. And now, the car that was proved and approved all around the world, the 1958 Ford's. Ford for '58, new in every way, new styling, new power, new performance, new handling, new comfort, new ride. There's nothing newer in the world. In styling, again Ford sets the pace with the newest look in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 427  -  24k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: The Inner Ford, See All The Inner Qualities
... Ford Commercials: The Inner Ford The Inner Ford See All the Inner Qualities: (circa 1956) Well there's a family that really likes to look into what they're buying- smart idea too. But you know, no matter how hard or long they look at that new Ford, they'll never see all the extra quality and special features that went into all parts of the car. The "Inner Ford" is something you'll never see. And that's why were running this two-page spread in this weeks Life, I hope you'll read it. Fact is, it tells the inside story of the '56 Ford so well, we've had this big reproduction made for your Ford dealer showroom. See all ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 413  -  23k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: The Ford Skyliner (part 2), Mulberry Street - Extended Cut
... Ford Commercials: The Ford Skyliner The Ford Skyliner Mulberry Street- Extended Cut (circa 1957) Good evening. Tonight your going to see a demonstration of an amazing new car, a car that all the world wanted, and only the engineers here at Ford could build. The scenes you are about to see could happen on any street in America, the street we have selected is called "Mulberry". Most days, Mulberry Street is pretty quiet, but you should have seen all the excitement the day Bob Jordan sprung his big suprise on the neighbourhood. Nobody had ever seen anything quite like this newest new kind of Ford- the Skyliner- the world's only hide-away hard-top. Naturally everyone wanted to see just how it works, naturally Bob wanted ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 405  -  25k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: The '58 Ford, The Only Car to Lower Prices This Year
... Ford Commercials: The '58 Ford The '58 Ford The Only Car to Lower Prices This Year (circa 1958) This is Mrs. William Harker, of Pleasentville, New York. Recently the Harker's bought a 1958 Ford Station Wagon. Why Ford?; Well let's ask her. For one thing, I think it's the newest and smartest Station Wagon there is, and it's so easy to drive and park. Oh, and another important reason was the price, we shopped them all and we found out that Ford offers the lowest priced Station Wagon of the low priced three, we were really amazed. The Harker's Country Sedan is one of six low priced Ford Station Wagons, including the two-door Ranch Wagon, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 397  -  24k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: Ford Fairlane 500, Which Model Fairlane is Right for You?
... Ford Commercials: Ford Fairlane 500 Ford Fairlane 500 Which Model Fairlane is Right for You? (circa 1958) Say, looks like young Chuck Green got himself a new Ford, and one of those big beautiful Ford Fairlane 500's too. He must have moved up in the world fast. Hey Chuck, how come the new Ford? Because I'm a smart trader, that's how come. You know right now Ford dealers need room for next years models so there making real good deals on this years models- and I took advantage of the situation to get just the kind of car I've always wanted. But a Ford Fairland 500 Chuck, all that luxury? Well I happen to like luxury, don't you? Look, I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 394  -  24k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: 1950 Fords Are Out of this World
... Ford Commercials: 1950 Fords Are Out of this World Ford It's Out Of This World (circa 1950) It's out of this world. Take a look at the new Ford for 1950. It's 50 ways new, and listen to the new Ford engine, quiet as a whistle. Quietness means quality, that mid-ship ride is like floating on air. Ford's the one fine car in the low price field, new fashion car styling, take the wheel of a new Ford and feel the difference. Ford's famous "lifeguard" body has been made even stronger than ever, and Ford gives you more hip and shoulder room than any car in its class. Note the colourful new instrument panel, feel those new sponge rubber ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 386  -  22k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: 1956 Ford Theatre, Master Guide Power Steering
... Ford Commercials: 1956 Ford Theatre 1956 Ford Theatre Master Guide Power Steering (circa 1956) Ford Theatre, presented by Ford, originator of "lifeguard" design, and the Ford dealers of your community. In this corner, Miss Ann Heart, weight 98 pounds. And in this corner, and we really mean corner, is her 1956 Ford, weight 3,600 pounds. Now watch how easily she makes this ton-and-a -half car do what she want's it to do. Just a touch is all it takes, because her Ford has "Master-Guide" power steering, a Ford option that does up to 75% of her steering work. It's a sqeeze like this, a breeze like this. Ford's Master ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 385  -  23k  -  URL:

Ford Commercials: The 1957 Ford Truck Lineup, Style-Side Body Standard at No Extra Cost
... Ford Commercials: The 1957 Ford Truck Lineup The 1957 Ford Truck Lineup Style-Side Body Standard at No Extra Cost (circa 1957) Only modern styling, functional styling now can be yours in a truck. Here's Fords 1957 pickup with style-side body standard at no extra cost. The straight-back sides give you the largest pick-up body in the truck industry, and when you take the wheel you'll experience new comfort, riding and handling ease that's mighty close to that of a car. Test drive Ford style-side at your Ford dealer soon... They're boldly modern, modern through and through, new '57 Ford Trucks. Look it's more than a car, look again it's more ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 383  -  23k  -  URL:
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